
At our clinic, we believe that prevention is better than cure. That’s why vaccinations and boosters are a vital part of your pet’s healthcare. We provide thorough vaccination courses to ensure that your cats, dogs and rabbits are protected against potentially serious diseases.

Unlike human vaccinations, it’s important to get your pet vaccinated annually as some vaccines only last a year. Please make an appointment at one of our clinics if you’d like to discuss vaccinations for your pet.


Our routine vaccination for dogs protects them against Distemper, Infectious Canine Hepatitis, Parvovirus and Leptospirosis. Puppies start their vaccination course at eight weeks of age, with a second injection two weeks later. We then recommend annual boosters.


Our routine vaccination for cats protects them against Panleucopenia (infectious enteritis), cat flu and Leukaemia. Kittens start their vaccination course at nine weeks of age, with a second injection three weeks later. We recommend annual boosters thereafter.


Your pet rabbit is required to be vaccinated against myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease, Type 1 and 2. The primary vaccine for myxomatosis and VHD-1 can be given from 6 weeks of age. A second vaccine for VHD-2 is given two weeks later. We recommend an annual booster for both vaccines as these diseases are almost always fatal in rabbits.